3.5 [FD] Sections

This is a required section for platform flash parts, and is not required for simple Option ROM creation.


This describes the [FD] section tag, which is required in all FDF files. This file is created by the platform integrator and, along with the platform DSC file, is an input to the parsing utilities.

All FD files will be created in the $(OUTPUT_DIRECTORY)/$(TARGET)_$(TAGNAME)/FV directory using the values from the individual instance of the build tools. (Build tools get these values after parsing DSC, INF, target.txt, tools_def.txt files and command line options).

Conditional statements may be used anywhere within this section.


<FD>               ::= "[FD" [<FdUiName>] "]" <EOL>
<FdStatements>     ::= {<GlobalStmts>} {<SetStatements>}
<GlobalStmts>      ::= {<MacroDefinition>} {<IncludeStatement>}
<FdUiName>         ::= "." (a-zA-Z)(a-zA-Z0-9_)*
<TokenStatements>  ::= <TS> "BaseAddress" <Eq> <UINT64> [<SetPcd>]
                       <TS> "Size" <Eq> <UINT64> [<SetPcd>] <EOL>
                       <TS> "ErasePolarity" <Eq> {"0"} {"1"} <EOL>
<SetPcd>           ::= <FS> <PcdName>
<BlockStatements>  ::= <TS> "BlockSize" <Eq> <UINT32> [<SetPcd>]
                       [<TS> "NumBlocks" <Eq> <UINT32> <EOL>]
<SetStatements>    ::= <TS> "SET" <PcdName> <Eq> <VALUE> <EOL>
<VALUE>            ::= {<Number>} {<Boolean>} {<GUID>} {<CArray>}
                       {<CString>} {<UnicodeString>} {<Expression>}
<RegionLayout>     ::= <TS> <Offset> <FS> <Size> <EOL>
                       [<TS> <PcdOffset> [<FS> <PcdSize>] <EOL>]
<Offset>           ::= {<HexNumber>} {<Expression>}
<Size>             ::= {<HexNumber>} {<Expression>}
<RegionType>       ::= {<FvType>} {<FileType>} {<CapsuleRegion>}
                       {<DataType>} {<InfRegion>}
<InfRegion>        ::= <TS> "INF" <MTS> [<InfOptions>] <InfFile> <EOL>
<InfOptions>       ::= [<Use>] [<Rule>] [<SetVer>] [<SetUi>]
<Use>              ::= "USE" <Eq> <TargetArch> <MTS>
<TargetArch>       ::= <arch>
<Rule>             ::= "RuleOverride" <Eq> {<Word>} {"BINARY"} <MTS>
<SetVer>           ::= "VERSION" <Eq> <CString> <MTS>
<SetUi>            ::= "UI" <Eq> <CString> <MTS>
<InfFile>          ::= <PATH> <Word> ".inf" [<FS> <RelocFlags>]
<RelocFlags>       ::= {"RELOCS_STRIPPED"} {"RELOCS_RETAINED"}
<CapsuleRegion>    ::= <TS> "CAPSULE" <Eq> UiCapsuleName <EOL>
<PcdOffset>        ::= <PcdName>
<PcdSize>          ::= <PcdName>
<FvType>           ::= <TS> "FV" <Eq> <FvNameOrFilename> <EOL>
<FileType>         ::= <TS> "FILE" <Eq> <BinaryFile> <EOL>
<DataType>         ::= <TS> "DATA" <Eq>
                       "{" [<EOL>]
                       <TS> "}" <EOL>
<DataContent>      ::= <TS> {<RawData>} {<CFormatGUID>} {<UINT8z>} [<EOL>]
<BinaryFile>       ::= [<Location>] <File>
<Location>         ::= {<BuildId>} {<PATH>}
<BuildId>          ::= <VarLoc> {"FV"} {<arch>} "/"
<VarLoc>           ::= "$(OUTPUT_DIRECTORY)/$(TARGET)_($TOOL_CHAIN_TAG)/"
<FvNameOrFilename> ::= {<FvUiName>} {<FvFilename>}
<FvUiName>         ::= {<Word>} {"common"}
<FvFilename>       ::= [<PATH>] <Word> "." {"fv"} {"Fv"} {"FV"}


For the FvFilename, the PATH is relative to the EDK II environment variable $(WORKSPACE)or relative to a path listed in the PACKAGES_PATH environment variable. If the path is not specified, the PATH defaults to the following location, where $(OUTPUT_DIRECTORY) is specified in the EDK II Platform DSC file's [Defines] section. If a path is not present, or the ".fv" file extensions do not appear in the value, the build system will use a filename based on the UiFvFilename specified in the FDF file:


For the Binary File, the PATH must be relative to the EDK II environment variable:$(WORKSPACE)or relative to a path listed in the PACKAGES_PATH environment variable. If not specified, the PATH defaults to the directory location of the EDK II Platform DSC file. If not found, the tools must test the directory location of this FDF file, if different from the directory containing the Platform's DSC file.

If a GUID is used (either the C format or Registry Format) in the data content, tools will be required to process the GUID into a byte array.

Raw Data arrays in FDF files are always listed as byte arrays, using little-endian format. Numbers listed in the DataContent section must be zero filled, in order to determine the size of the element. For example, a UINT16 value of 1 must be specified as 0x0001.



This name is used by the GenFds tool to generate FD image files. If not present, only one FD section is allowed and the GenFds tool will use the name of the active platform as the name of the FD image.


The UiCapsuleName must be specified in a [Capsule] section header defined in this the file.


The FvUiName must be specified in a [FV] section header defined in this the file.


The PCD Value may be a specific numeric value, an array of numeric bytes, a GUID, a quoted string, an L quoted string (representing a unicode string), an arithmetic expression, a logic expression or a macro from a previously defined macro statement.


Refer to the EDK II Expression Syntax Specification for more information.


For BINARY ONLY files, the location specified in the FILE element of this section must be relative to the directory identified by the WORKSPACE or relative to a path listed in the PACKAGES_PATH system environment variable.


BaseAddress   = 0xFFF00000 |gEfiMyPlatformTokenSpaceGuid.PcdFlashAreaBaseAddress
Size          = 0x102000
ErasePolarity = 1
BlockSize     = 0x10000
NumBlocks     = 16
BlockSize     = 0x1000
NumBlocks     = 2

# Offset:Size
FV   = FvMain

Data = { # Variable Store
0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
0x8D, 0x2B, 0xF1, 0xFF, 0x96, 0x76, 0x8B, 0x4C,
0xA9, 0x85, 0x27, 0x47, 0x07, 0x5B, 0x4F, 0x50,
0x00, 0x00, 0x02, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
0x5F, 0x46, 0x56, 0x48, 0xFF, 0x8E, 0xFF, 0xFF,
0x5A, 0xFE, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00

0x0CA000 | 0x002000
FILE = FV/Microcode.bin

0x0CC000 | 0x002000 # Event Log

0x0CE000 | 0x002000 # FTW Working Area
Data = {
0x8D, 0x2B, 0xF1, 0xFF, 0x96, 0x76, 0x8B, 0x4C,
0xA9, 0x85, 0x27, 0x47, 0x07, 0x5B, 0x4F, 0x50,
0x85, 0xAE, 0x2D, 0xBF, 0xFE, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF,
0xE4, 0x1F, 0x00, 0x00, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF

0x0D0000 | 0x010000 # FTW Spare Block

0x0E0000 | 0x020000
FV = FV/FvRecovery.fv